What Else is Possible?

Life doesn't stand still. The human fabric of our lives is continuously changing and moving. The colors and textures of our life's fabric are changing with each experience of living. Can we see the beauty in this process? Can we ask ourselves, what else is possible?

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Jo WennerComment
Tending Our Inner Garden for Growth

We’re coming through a long period of dormancy. We’ve been covered up by isolation and missing some vital nutrients found in the presence of loved ones.

We all need shedding and tending. Being intentional about what we plant, water, protect, and nurture will have lasting benefits.

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Jo WennerComment
A Summer of Independence

What within you is begging to be set free?

In our outer landscapes, we take time to weed things out and make room for new growth. We plant with intention.

Inside of ourselves - within our inner garden - can we do the same?

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Jo WennerComment
Called By Love

With each dawning of a new day, we are called by Love into a greater space of becoming, a sharing of Love, a holding of Compassion — for ourselves and for our fellow travelers.

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Jo WennerComment
When Peace Feels Elusive

Peace lives within us as a grace given us for taking on this human existence. Pushed aside, peace lives on at our edges, waiting to be called forth and to once again find its own resident rhythm at the center of our lives.

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Jo WennerComment

Through my life, like many, I’ve battled quite a bit of interior programming - some given to me with love, some pounded into me, and some I’ve brought upon myself (a much longer conversation). This “programming” not only created, but continues to create, deep inner conflict - for this programming does not resonate with a much deeper knowing born of what is True - a Truth of Love, of Beauty and Wonder, of Great Belonging.

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Jo Wenner Comment
She Wakes

Our “awakening” into the world we inhabit isn’t usually a once and done experience. Instead, there are often small "awakenings" where we come to understand we are far from Home. Sometimes, even a stranger has appeared - taking up residency within- moving through the world as a stand in for who we truly are and who we came here to be. It takes an active courageous practice of Loving Compassion.

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Jo WennerComment
Enter In

When moving through the storms of life, an active practice of offering Loving Compassion with ourselves will help us to navigate our way home across the waters of life. It acts as a compass, whose True North is turned towards Love, and we are brought Home to ourselves and into the Truth of our lives. Here we are safe. We know Love in its most intimate form. And, in this knowing, we find ourselves able to surrender and enter into Love Itself. We have everything we need to be here, now. Enter In.

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Jo WennerComment
A Practice in Compassion

Individually, and as a community, we need time to process and grieve. We need time to receive Compassion’s embrace. Yes, there is much to learn from this pandemic experience - as an individual, as a community, as a collective. However, right now, we need to be present, move through, and beyond this time and experience. Let’s not rush this process. Let’s take the time to become whole again and make decisions that serve us to be better versions of ourselves.

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Jo WennerComment

Feeling topsy-turvy?

Being “rattled” once in a while is not a bad thing. With periods of respite, we can usually find our footing again. However, when we become hyper-aware of things around us in continuous motion - shaking us and rattling our core.; when cycles move into a constancy of motion, we can find ourselves staggering with confusion and overwhelm.

Sound familiar? Read on.

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Jo Wenner Comments
The Emotional Fallout of a New Year

It’s a New Year. 

Many are hyped up with just the thought of leaving the past behind and a chance for a new beginning. They’re excited and dreaming big and then there’s you. You seem surrounded by people embracing it all and you just can’t do it. 

What happens when you aren’t able to step into the excitement of “New”. What happens when you don’t have the will or strength to move forward, when you can’t let go and move on, when you feel incapable of “new”?

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The Gift of a Season's Turning

When we are patiently attentive to the gifts of the season’s turning, we will find “something healing in the(se) repeated refrains of nature…” (Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder). We will be gifted with images from the natural world to help us experience and take in the sensations and lessons of attentiveness and listening; of waiting, allowing, turning, and transformation.

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Jo WennerComment