
Today I sought refuge in the fathomless depths of my heart. 

Refuge from wounds newly wrought. 

Refuge from memories opened and laid bare, ready for their accounting.

Refuge from the voices within that carry these wound memories.  

Memories that ask, once again, to meet them 

with forgiveness, 

with mercy, 

with love.


I hear their voices rising. 

I hear their prodding… 


But, WAIT! I hear.

You’ve misunderstood. They say. 

Refuge is useless. They cry.

SURRENDER! They shout.

Listen to our calling,

“Take us in. Take us in.”

“Inhale us.” 

“Embrace us.”


I just want rest, I say. 

Will it take long?, I ask.


You will know, is the answer.


And so, I begin the difficult process to surrender.


Wearily, I name these wounds. 

Painfully, I witness their arrival.

One by one, I gather them into my arms.

I inhale and embrace them. 

Emptying them into my heart.

Sensing their pain rising and falling as they move gently through the slender opening of Love’s tender embrace.  

Slowly descending to the tempo of my heart’s steady beating.

ta dum. ta dum. 

ta dum. ta dum.

ta dum. ta dum.

My wounds enter the deepest recess of my Heart. 

Gathering energy in their final embrace.

Transmuting through Love.

Returning to Source.

Fully surrendered.

I Exhale. 

I Am Made Whole Again.

Jo WennerComment