
Through my life, like many, I’ve battled quite a bit of interior programming - some given to me with love, some pounded into me, and some I’ve brought upon myself (a much longer conversation). This “programming” not only created, but continues to create, deep inner conflict - for this programming does not resonate with a much deeper knowing born of what is True - a Truth of Love, of Beauty and Wonder, of Great Belonging.

It took awhile for me to understand my missed directions and missed connections. I either failed to see, or chose not to see, what was at times hiding in plain sight and what I intentionally shoved aside.

Seeking answers, I was in continuous flight - moving forward and coming back. The answers seemed to always be just a bit farther out in front of me - in another degree, another study, another course, another credential - harder work and more sacrifice. Yet, the answers continued to be elusive and the bits of truth I did uncover remained unsatisfying.

What changed my course is what so often happens to us humans: Illness, injury, pain, and sorrow - at every turn and on every level - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Having lost my way time and again by flying out into the world, I finally realized my true flight had been waiting for me to board all along. My journey toward what is True needed to be a journey within - I needed to fly - into the “interiority” of my being. (Thank you, John O’Donohue and Anam Cara)

And so the long awaited journey to a flight within - one that has taken me into a long , intentional, and profound journey of Loving Compassion - within myself, with those in my life, with the communities in which I live in - both in harmony and in conflict, and into the larger landscapes of the communities of the Earth. The journey is forever unfolding through the changing landscapes of our times . I am grateful to be on this flight and cherish my continuous work in Loving Compassion with others.

May we allow ourselves the quiet to listen to the inner longing for a reconciliation and surrender into our deepest Truth. We are born of Love and made for love. We are Beautiful . We are of the earth and of the heavens. We all Belong here. It’s up to us to choose to believe.

This short poem came to me in a flash one day - many years ago now - while picking up yet another basket of laundry (a rich metaphor waiting to be explored) . It seems even more relevant as time goes by and my work here continues and takes flight again and again.


I flew away…

I blew right back. 

I flew away… 

Battled wind. 

Battled storm.



Lost my bearings

I blew…Back.


I flew away…

Flying forward

Blowing backwards

Testing wings in foreign places

Caught in currents

Lost my way...

I blew back.


I flew away… 



Found my Compass

Rode the currents

Filled with Courage

I came home.



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