What Else is Possible?
What else is possible?
This month of September has been a big one for me and my family. We are packing up and moving from our beloved home of the past seven years.
I’m a Cancer (on steroids), a water sign, an intuitive, and a moon child. Cultivating hearth and home are part of my breathing. Home and hearth, family and friends, flowers and forests, rolling pastures, water and waves, night skies … my soothing medicine.
So this moving stuff is hard for so many reasons. And yet…
Over the past year, I began to sense this part of my life was coming to a close and I needed to prepare for an opening that was now here. I had a deep sense that if I responded with affirmation, this opening would continue to grow and bring beauty - greater transformation and the opportunity for transcendence into a greater way of showing up in the world - to greater Love and Joy. Something big was coming (already in motion) from the Universe (God/Spirit/Higher Power) that was calling me to “be prepared”. It was time to move.
As incredible as this may sound, we had moved here - to this very house we are now moving from -seven years ago based upon a dream - a dream of this particular house and location the night before finding it on Craig's List.
And so a few months ago when I realized that change was actually going to be coming again, soon, I began waking up at 3:26 am with anxiety about leaving this place I love so much. There was, and still is, a tender part of me that grieves leaving a place that had manifested an opportunity to live a life so greatly aligned with who I am - that supported all of us in many beautiful ways - lovely neighbors of the best kind - waking up each day in my favorite place - Como - with its diversity in peoples, cultures, and languages surrounding me. Proximity to incredible schools and communities ( e.g., MN Waldorf School and Great River Montessori), beautiful park lands, a conservatory/zoo, a lake to walk/run/bike/stroll around and offer work opportunities to my teens, and let's not forget that its walking distance to the MN State Fair! In fact, over the past 7 years, this home/place has provided everything we needed and wanted.
But I also knew this Truth - Where we were then, is not where we are now. What we needed then, is not what we need now. It has come time to move on from "what was" and move into "what is".
Knowing this Truth and finally accepting it, changed my feelings around this challenge, and so when I awoke in the middle of the night, the anxiety of leaving this home was gone. In its place, I felt calm and centered and instead of anxiety, I had this mantra in my head “My home is where I am, and nowhere else “ - repeating and repeating like an ancient drum beat. In that instant, I came to understand that I can let go of this physical space. And, although there will be times when the beautiful memories of our lives, in this home, will produce an aching tenderness of what was transforming for us while living here, I also know I will carry my home within me wherever I go. For “Home” is not limited to a physical place. Instead, we may choose to know it as a state of mind/heart/soul - and as the great poet and writer John O’Donohue often said, it can be a matter of knowing intimately our interiority.
I've learned to listen to these ‘inner knowings” and heed them. Through my experiences, I've learned to pay especially close attention to them when they seem to produce some pretty palpable fear while I'm saying “yes”, even when it means leaving the familiar to venture into the unknown.
Because I know Life doesn't stand still and I've still got a lot of growing to do here.
The human fabric of our lives is one of continuous change and movement - the Weaver is always weaving. The color and textures of our life's fabric change with each experience of living. Can we see the beauty in this process?
Can we ask the big question, WHAT ELSE IS POSSIBLE?
Wishing you all Courage and Love on Your Own Journey Forward.
The Weaver is always weaving…
If you know me well, or have worked with me over the years, you’ll know this question, “What else is possible?”.is one I am constantly asking myself and asking of my clients. When transition comes - and it does come in all disguises (sometimes wanted, and at times thrust upon us) - when we are met with change/transition, do we dig our heels in and say “NO!”, or do we ask, “What else is possible?”. Can we open our hearts, minds, and bodies to another perspective, another vantage point, an inner “knowing” when the transition begins whispering or even shouting. CHANGE IS HERE. Can we respond - generously and openly to its calling?
I’ve been in places of major shifts and changes many times- remaking my life and in doing so - altering the lives of my children. I’ve done it well and I’ve done it poorly. I’ve done it with clarity of vision and I’ve done in through murky waters. What I do know is transitions do come - whether chosen, brought to us, or sometimes thrust upon us - and we have a choice in how we will respond.
What’s in transition for you right now? Are you finding yourself reacting rather than responding? I’m here to support you as you navigate your path forward. Reach out and set up a call to find out if Holistic Coaching with Reiki is right for you by sending an inquiry to joannwenner@prismholistic.com or by calling (612) 240-6279 and leaving a message. I’ll be in touch soon : ).